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LGBTIQA+ Multilingual Terminology Australia Resources
Your one-stop shop for LGBTIQA+ terminology resources
National Interpreters Symbol - Rainbow Terminology Australia

All in one (Spanish) place!

We've done the heavy lifting for you!

​These pages collect useful and helpful resources, organised in various sections:

  • Dedicated Spanish resources (either monolingual Spanish or bilingual Spanish‑English)

  • Multilingual resources in four or more languages

  • Monolingual English resources

  • Resources in other languages

Disclaimer: This terminology is still evolving, and new lingo emerges every day. As such, these resources may contradict one another, and they may provide definitions which are different to the ones we have used when creating our own glossary. They give you alternatives to explore, compare and use in order to gain an understanding of the many diverse nuances of meaning!

Persian resources

Rainbow Flags


Our Resource


Bilingual LGBTIQA+ glossary with 139 terms in Persian and English accompanied by definitions in Persian


New Mexico
Department of Health

Bilingual LGBTQ glossary with 86 terms and definitions in Spanish and English


National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

Bilingual LGBT glossary with 64 terms in Spanish and English with definitions in Spanish


اجونتامينت دي برشلونة

Glosario de términos LGTBI


قوس المطر

(الحقوق ضد عدم التسامح: بناء عالم منفتح)

Glosario de términos LGBT



Glosario LGBT +: التحديدات ، والتيرمينوس ، والأهمية


قوس المطر

(الحقوق ضد عدم التسامح: بناء عالم منفتح)

Glosario de términos LGBT

LGBTIQA+ Multilingual Terminology Australia

هل تعرف مصدرا لغويا جيدا؟

أخبرنا عن طريق إرسال الرابط إلينا الآن - نحن نبحث دائما عن المزيد من المصطلحات اللغوية الخاصة بمجتمع الميم  ( LGBTIQA+)باللغة العربية

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